November 28, 2014

I am not back in India as I usually am this time of year, due to some of the life changes mentioned in this post, but still wanted to share some of the beautiful Natural blessings which fill my life. Namaste

Not In India

The blessings of renewal, rebirth and rejuvenation in cyclical change

fall leaves city street.jpg.jpeg

A colorful, exquisite, collective reminder of the impermanence of all things, of the necessity of never-ending change in the life of all living things…a gentle and loving reminder of the cycle of life and the exquisite beauty of, and Natural need for endings, which make rebirth and renewal possible. The inevitability of change which cannot be fought, which must be accepted as the blessing it is.


The leaves are a reminder of the precious blessings in each moment. Each with its own story and individual and unique beauty as it reaches the end of its cycle, making way for new and continued Natural beauty and creation.




I have been away for some time now, also due to cyclical life changes, which we must accept without fighting them…we cannot control these life changes and upheavals, and resisting them can only lead…

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