February 21, 2011 – Poetry and Request for Advice

February 21, 2011

February 21, 2011 – Poetry and Request for Advice

Just a few days I wrote a post about the poetry of massage. And to my great surprise, the same day a new poem was channeled to me in the early hours of dawn, just before fully awakening – and upon awakening I remembered it in full and wrote it down.

Poetry for me is a very difficult thing to explain.  As a child and teenager, I wrote many poems but they have disappeared…and then, about ten years ago, I wrote an good number of poems which you can find on my Mindfulness Journal on the upper toolbar marked “Poetry”.  Or simply click on this link:


Thing is, I never actually write these poems.  I receive them as messages, channeled to me usually at night, but very often in the daytime as well.  They cover a variety of issues, but have great meaning, at least to me.

The poem I received a few days ago, is a mystery to me.  It doesn’t relate to anything specific in my life at the moment, at least not something I am consciously aware of, and I am not even sure of its meaning.

I am posting it here, hoping perhaps someone out there will have some insights as to what this poem means.  I have a general understanding of its meaning, but I know there are subtleties in it which I am not picking up.

SO I am asking for your help.  Your comments are invited wholeheartedly.

Gather Yourself Up

Gather yourself up

Put the pieces back in place

Life goes on, even when it comes to a standstill.

The carousel is waiting

Jump back on whenever you feel ready

There is no rush

The price will not change but the horses may need a good painting over time.

Any idea??????





February 16-17, 2011 – The Poetry of Massage – Panchakarma Days 19, 20

February 17, 2011

February  16-17, 2011 – The Poetry of Massage – Panchakarma Days 19, 20

Sun Doing Its Best to Shine

Nothing new in Panchakarma…same series of alternate days of water and oil enemas.  Feeling very good, and if the weather was nicer would be out walking, so as I mentioned, the “not so nice” weather is to my advantage.  It is still cold, although the sun shines for several hours during the day, but lots of rain at night, keeping it colder than normal.

Hopefully by the weekend, the warmer weather will return.

Check out these photos of the sun dancing through the clouds:


Today I was enjoying my massage, when someone walked into the room.  I looked up, and there, to my great pleasure and surprise, stood Manju, Dr. Arora’s wife, a good friend, amazing cook and supreme massage therapist.  I thought she had come up just to say hello, as she has retired from massage therapy (she is a certified ND – Naturopath), and only comes in in emergencies when the two girls cannot manage a rush of people.

Manju Arora- Ayurveda Massage Therapist Supreme

When I saw her, I gave her a big smile, and asked why she was there and she said “holiday”. (Turns out she had come in to have Devi wax her legs for her!).  And then to my further pleasure and surprise, she put on an apron…meaning, she was going to finish my massage!!  I was overjoyed at the prospect, and I told her so.  She was pleased as well, and although Devi had already done my legs and arms, there was still plenty left to do.

Both girls are very good massage therapist, Manju having trained them. They are fully competent and know the exact techniques to use during a massage, but they work by rote, without thinking at all about what they are doing.  They may be thinking about what they have to do when they get home, or even chatting with each other (which I personally discourage as I like my quiet time during the massage).

Manju on the other hand, puts sincere, specific, loving intention into each stroke and movement, being completely present in the moment and in what she is doing.   The difference is immediately felt and most appreciated.  How wonderful it would be to have her give me my massage each and every day, but this is no longer an option.

The difference between the girls and Manju, can be likened to poetry,  Imagine a child reciting a poem he has learned by heart.  He knows all the words perfectly, but has no clue or thought about its meaning.  This is a massage by the girls.

An adult, who loves poetry, will read the same poem , filling each and every word and phrase with their individual meanings and the combined meaning of the whole.  You will “feel” the beauty of the poem, understand what the poet is trying to say, feel the emotions behind the words etc.

This is a massage by Manju…pure poetry!



Dec. 29, 2008 – Finding My “Nick’s” in Rishikesh…Inspirational Waters and a Poem

December 30, 2008

Dec. 29, 2008 – Finding My “Nick’s” in Rishikesh…Inspirational Waters and a Poem

Those of you who have been following my travels since 2001, know that I very often sat at a restaurant in McLeod, Dharamsala called Nick’s. Not only because they have the best cakes in India, but for the view of “my mountain” from their rooftop terrace. There are numerous pictures of this mountain in different seasons, including snow capped, and whenever I needed serenity in my day, I would come sit facing this mountain.

The Mountain as Seen From Nick's

The Mountain as Seen From Nick's

Well, the Café Del Mar (finally remembered to check the name) here in Rishikesh, the one I told you about with the fabulous view over the Ganga, that I have already taken some pictures of and will be taking more (if I remember to bring my camera!), has become my “nick’s” here in Rishikesh.

I woke this morning with a strange feeling…had just some fruit for breakfast and planned to go down to this restaurant for a more substantial breakfast, but I had company this morning (I’ve become the local Rishikesh guide office for newcomers) and by the time I was finished with them, got myself dressed and out, it was close to 12. I was feeling really down, with a nagging headache Read the rest of this entry »