September 23, 2014

Not In India



As always, my prayers are with all of you and as the Jewish New Year approaches, this is a good time to contemplate (and you don’t have to be Jewish to use the opportunity) where you were last year at this time, where you are today, how you feel about your “today” and how much of what you dreamed of last year you have succeeded in manifesting into reality !!

I leave you with my blessings for another wonderful year, and of course with the following food for thought:

Cultivating Faith is no different than cultivating a garden. The more time you spend on it,the more beautifully it will grow and bring you joy. You must weed it continually, and the weeds in the garden of Faith are fear and doubt. The water and fertilizer which allow it grow are prayer, meditation and…more…

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Observations from India

September 21, 2014

This was originally a part of a longer post published years ago and came across it recently.  So I’ve decided to share it once again.


Just a quick note: I’ve been watching in many places as roads and even houses are built and can’t help be amazed at the processes. Rocks are brought up from the river bed by donkey …dumped in one place near the closet existing road, and then sari dressed women, some  with babies tied to their banks or toddlers following them, carry them on their heads and dump them closer to the actual work site


…and then they are hit with sledgehammers in such a way as to create one side which is completely flat. These are then place one next to the other with the flat side facing out to build retaining walls…or the foundation for a road – the spaces between them are then filled with cement and layer upon layer is built in this way. The cement is mixed by hand, with no seeming consistent way of doing it…water is added (and sometimes gravel – which is also made by hand by men, or women, sitting all day and pounding stones into gravel) until the cement “feels” right – like you might mix bread dough.

Mixing Cement

Mixing Cement

I’ve seen branches cut from trees and trimmed of bark with sickles being used with string as surveying instruments, and I’ve even seen a place where optic cables are being laid, but the labor is still done with pickaxes, shovels, hand ploughs etc., and the debris carried away in trays on the heads of sari dressed women.

Foundation Wall of New House-Note Rocks used as Raw Material

This is all part of what India is, and although I really haven’t written much this trip, I’ve been reading over some of my older journals, and realize that much of what I found worth writing about in the past, I simply take for granted now

Retaining Wall...Note Rocks used as Raw Material

Retaining Wall

….Nothing seems as strange as it once did, or even noteworthy…it is just the way things are here and accepted as normal.



Jai Ma

September 16, 2014

Holy Ganga in Rishikesh


Just for Today I Will Love and Respect Every Living Creature

September 13, 2014

Not In India

….Including Myself!

love yourself

This was posted years ago in my blog “Jane’s Mindfulness Journal” but I was guided to share it today. Based on one of the important Reiki principles ” just for today I will love and respect every living creature” ,I have added the phrase “INCLUDING MYSELF” . I believe it is worth the time it takes to read. . This was published as an article in the highly prestigious Reiki International Magazine as well.

Just for Today I Will Love and Respect Every Living Creature

thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyselfleviticus 19:18

If we look at this, as it is worded in the fourth of theReiki Principles, it appears to be fairly straightforward. It is pretty obvious to us that one of the most important things in this world is to love and respect others, show compassion and tolerance, patience and understanding etc. We…

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