December 21, 2009 – A day of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant – Sunrise, sunset and Moonlight

December 22, 2009

December 21, 2009 – A day of surprises, both pleasant and unpleasant – Sunrise, sunset and Moonlight

Today is the officially the first day of winter and from what I hear, Europe and the Eastern Coast of the USA are definitely feeling it. And although somewhat chilly here morning and evening, the weather here is still glorious. Known as the Winter Solstice it holds special energies, and it was, Well, it was an interesting day to say the least.
Since reading about the healing,cleansing and balancing effects of sunrise, sunset and moonlight, I have been making a special effort to take full advantage of them. Before going to sleep I ask to be out for sunrise, and today is the third day that I am awakened in time to go out and experience the colors of sunrise, before heading back into my heated room for the rest of my “morning stuff”. I then make sure that I am outdoors for sunset as well, which I don’t really see from my room, but I DO see the sky taking on all the colors of sunset, and this is fine. And now, no moon and new moon days, the time for new beginnings, I have also made it my business to be Read the rest of this entry »