Release, Recoup, Reorganize

April 7, 2015

Release, Recoup, and Reorganize

cartoon flowers

Springtime is a natural period for cleansing, rebirth and rejuvenation. We see it all around us in Nature and feel it instinctively in ourselves.  Just as the caterpillar must retreat into his cocoon for this period of quiet resting before metamorphosing and emerging as a butterfly, so we must have the patience to quietly accept this period of “non-doing” to completely move forward into whatever new wonders and adventures await us down the road.

May I be blessed with the Faith, Freedom from Fear and Patience to truly make the most of this beautiful resting phase.

….a place to rest, wind down and relax following a period of extreme turmoil, particularly in the areas of financial security and relationships. This place can be of great blessing if we can muster the patience to appreciate the blessings of this place joyfully and gratefully and of course with great Faith in the wisdom and compassion of God and the Universe.

let go and let god

It is imperative that I take proper care of myself during this transition in all ways…spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally, without becoming anxious or fearful.

I have no idea where the path is heading or even if I will continue along the same path I am now on.  Perhaps big upheavals are in store, or perhaps little changes which will slowly lead me in a new direction.

My natural curiosity and impatience make this waiting difficult and I need assistance in curbing them.  It is an essential part of my daily prayer and meditation session now to request this assistance from God, the Angels and other Enlightened Beings and Ascended Masters.

Springtime is a natural period for cleansing, rebirth and rejuvenation. We see it all around us in Nature and feel it instinctively in ourselves.  Just as the caterpillar must retreat into his cocoon for this period of quiet resting before metamorphosing and emerging as a butterfly, so we must have the patience to quietly accept this period of “non-doing” to completely move forward into whatever new wonders and adventures await us down the road.

doing nothing2

“Sometimes doing nothing is doing something very Important”.

It would be wonderful to be able to peek through the fence, so to speak, and get a sneak preview of what lies ahead.  At times we may be given gentle hints if we are extremely mindful along the way. But not always.  Patience, and Faith, once again are the things we need to pray for most during this period of quiet “being”.

As a flower peeks through the fence, we would also love a preview of what awaits us

As a flower peeks through the fence, we would also love a preview of what awaits us

The unknown always brings up fears and these also must be acknowledged and released.  It is all part of the cleansing process which is preparing us for whatever the next stage in our life holds in store for us.

May I be blessed with the Faith, Freedom from Fear and Patience to truly make the most of this beautiful resting phase.

With love light and JOY
