Dec. 31, 2008 – WAR from Afar

December 31, 2008

Dec. 31, 2008 – WAR from Afar

This will be short but not sweet. Experiencing a state of war taking place in your home country, when you are far away, where your children and grandchildren are living in a war zone, is one of the most difficult things there is. And with distinct mixed blessing of having the world at our finger tips via internet, I can listen to and watch the news whenever I feel like going down to the internet café. It is truly a mixed blessing having access to the world. My eldest daughter and her family who have already been traumatized by terrorism in the past, are now living right in the part of the country that is in direct line of rockets. So the children have been sent to stay with family in the North and now I “only” have to concern myself with her and her husband traveling to and from work each day, and the impact of this separation on her children. Hopefully it will be over soon.

My very good friend also lives even closer to the Gaza strip on a kibbutz which has been targeted for rockets for months now, and has had one fatality so far from a direct hit. A couple of days ago a rocket landed on her front lawn. The entire kibbutz has been evacuated to the north and she is now leaving for London for a 2 week stay, hoping it will quiet down before she gets back, or she will have to stay with family up North for the duration as well.

I of course am also thinking about my son and sons-in-law being called up in case there will be extended fighting, and can only pray that it will be over shortly with as little loss as possible, and with positive results for the future.

God willing….the coming NewYear will bring good things for all of us and the whole world…peace, love, harmony and understanding, acceptance, patience and tolerance , good health joy and laughter for all.


Dec. 29, 2008 – Finding My “Nick’s” in Rishikesh…Inspirational Waters and a Poem

December 30, 2008

Dec. 29, 2008 – Finding My “Nick’s” in Rishikesh…Inspirational Waters and a Poem

Those of you who have been following my travels since 2001, know that I very often sat at a restaurant in McLeod, Dharamsala called Nick’s. Not only because they have the best cakes in India, but for the view of “my mountain” from their rooftop terrace. There are numerous pictures of this mountain in different seasons, including snow capped, and whenever I needed serenity in my day, I would come sit facing this mountain.

The Mountain as Seen From Nick's

The Mountain as Seen From Nick's

Well, the Café Del Mar (finally remembered to check the name) here in Rishikesh, the one I told you about with the fabulous view over the Ganga, that I have already taken some pictures of and will be taking more (if I remember to bring my camera!), has become my “nick’s” here in Rishikesh.

I woke this morning with a strange feeling…had just some fruit for breakfast and planned to go down to this restaurant for a more substantial breakfast, but I had company this morning (I’ve become the local Rishikesh guide office for newcomers) and by the time I was finished with them, got myself dressed and out, it was close to 12. I was feeling really down, with a nagging headache Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 14, 2008 – backtracking…..The Walk to the Waterfall

December 29, 2008

Dec. 14, 2008 – backtracking…..The Walk to the Waterfall


Today is actually December 29th and it would seem that it would be difficult to recount this day from almost two weeks ago, but it is so etched in my mind, I could write about it in two months time as well, with no trouble.


This Japanese fellow had asked me several times to go with him “up to the mountains”. (only later did I find out that he not only spends a good part of his life trekking all over the world, he also made a documentary film which was sold to Discovery Channel, among others. There are very few places in the world he hasn’t been, always traveling when possible with non-motorized transportation. Walking, bicycle, kyack, dog sleds, reindeer sleds, etc. He has an amazing life story and if I had known all this about him beforehand, I doubt I would have agreed to go with him on this walk. It would have been too intimidating. He is also a trekking guide, and this is one of the reasons the waterfall trek was so enjoyable with him, although I didn’t realize that until later on). So, he continued to look for me on a day when I wasn’t working, and that was difficult to catch, but he finally did, and we agreed to go to the waterfall the next morning. I was a little nervous but he seemed pleased with the idea.

Second Waterfall

Second Waterfall

He came to get me at 10 in the morning, and although he was wearing only a thin cotton shirt and trousers and sandals, I was wearing a couple of layers of clothing including a sweatshirt with hood, warm jeans and walking shoes. I was also carrying a shawl in case I got cold! I asked if he thought I needed all these clothes and he told me to take whatever I felt comfortable with and he would carry it later on if necessary. It was really cold that morning, so I wore it all. I was happy when we first left as even with the clothes on, the wind was very strong and I was not warm at all. He himself was shivering and when I asked if he wanted my shawl, he said no, since shivering is the body’s natural way of warming up and soon he would be fine. Which he was! Not more than 15 minutes into the walk, (there is a full gallery of beautiful pictures at the end of this post. It is just taking too long to post them one by one in the appropriate places…sorry Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 28, 2008 – Just Another Day and the Law of Attraction at Work (As Always)

December 29, 2008

Dec. 28, 2008 – Just Another Day and the Law of Attraction at Work (As Always)

Woke to another lovely morning…weather is beautiful again…sunny and just enough of a slight breeze. After finishing my morning stuff and breakfast and shower, it was already 10:30, and had to decide what errands I would do today. Each different thing was in a completely different area and in the end decided to take a rickshaw into the market, to get my sweets and check out fabrics at the shops. Well, the original idea was to see if I could find Dani fabric for her wedding dress and myself fabric for the wedding, but htat turned out to be a lot more difficult than I imagined. I made the mistake of telling them I needed it for my son’s wedding, but wanted something simple. Well, you should have seen what the simple fabrics were!! They are extremely beautiful but nothing either Dani or I would ever wear. I wouldn’t even wear something like that in India. But the truth is, the Indian women I have seen dressed for weddings, particularly the brides, but the guests as well, look absolutely exquisite! And sooooo feminine. I then changed tactics and just asked for nice white silk sarees and they were able to find one which MIGHT have been suitable for dani’s needs, but I will speak toher first. This was pure silk with hand sewn embroidered borders, 7 full meters of fabric, for about 100 rupees. This is considered expensive as it is silk, even though it is not beaded and sequined. For myself I found nothing suitable yet, but will try other shops as well.

However, while there, I was shown some beautiful winter fabrics. I have wanted to get another suit for myself, as the warm one I have is so comfortable but I cannot wear it everyday. I would love too however. Indian women are very smart. The suits are the most comfortable thing I’ve ever Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 27, 2008 – Sunbathing on the Roof and More Entities

December 27, 2008

Dec. 27, 2008 – Sunbathing on the Roof and More Entities

After a pleasant supper, dessert and “television” last night, went contentedly t sleep, thinking about the day just past. One thing I didn’t write about was another encounter with “entities”…but first, this morning.

Woke up later than usual, but had a very intense meditation, pranayama/ mantra session, as I have been having more and more frequently the past few weeks. I had decided that after breakfast I would go into the market to get some ‘healthy” sweets (I’ve been nibbling on cakes and chocolates when the need for sweet arises, and the ones the Dr. recommended, the ladoos made from chickpeas, are much healthier for me). While there I had planned to either go to the cosmetician for a pampering facial and manicure/pedicure, or begin shooping for fabric. I need another winter shalwal kameeze, and have also decided to get myself something for my sons wedding. Want it to be special, with a taste of India, but not so much so that it will not Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 25-26, 2008 – Another Beautiful Day and….Merry Xmas and a Happy Hanuka!

December 26, 2008

Dec. 25-26, 2008 – Another Beautiful Day and….Merry Xmas and a Happy Hanuka!

Home from a lovely day of getting advice, shopping, enjoying chai with my favorite Ganga view, discussing a business venture (u never know – one of these might actually work!) and then shopping for ingredients for supper. Sitting out on my terrace again, listening to classical music and preparing my veggies for a pot of soup.

The weather has gotten colder, but while the last few days were foggy and damp and really cold, today the sun was out again and it was glorious. And the warmth is still felt in the evening air and my room. And cooking in the small room adds to the warmth and coziness. All in All a beautiful day.

I’ve got my winter wardrobe down pat and know what layers to wear comfortably to keep warm enough but not too warm for the afternoon sun when I’m out.

I am feeling very “warm and cozy” inside of myself, despite the lower temperatures outside. I have about everything I could want in this one small room with the rooftop as my “front yard”. If I had a small fridge and counter top and sink, I’d be in heaven, but I’m basically fine the way I am. I can’t get too ambitious about cooking, which is probably for the best. Keeps my life really really simple without Read the rest of this entry »

Dec 22-24 – Good Evenings and Surprising Insights and Events

December 24, 2008

Dec 22-24 – Good Evenings and Surprising Revelations

Evening…dec. 22

Just before I got ready to go out this afternoon, when the sun had come out for a short while (there was a distinct winter nip in the air for the first time), a lady came to my room wanting to make an appointment for a Reiki treatment and Tarot reading for herself and her friend. I agreed to meet her at 6 but told her that her friend would have to come the next day. And then I set off to check out a jewelry shop I had never been at when I saw some very original pieces a girl here bought yesterday. Well, this shop was amazing. The women there makes everything herself, and everything is made from high quality gemstones…some pieces are very expensive, but most are reasonable for even me.

So, once again, I bought jewelry, and even put a couple of more pieces aside and will go get them in a couple of days.

This evening I had a lovely Reiki session and Tarot reading, and once again, when I mentioned my price, the lady insisted on giving me more money than I asked for. All very nice. Her friend is coming tomorrow evening as well.

And just as I finished eating the lovely cheese pasta I had made, two people came to reserve a workshop beginning tomorrow for the next two days.

Which all goes to prove, that ANYTHING I want for myself I can have and there will always be enough money to pay for it!! And more….

More tomorrow…continue reading…lots more in this post Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 22, 2008 – Good Morning!

December 22, 2008

Dec. 22, 2008 – Good Morning!

Woke up this morning to a lovely blue sky, but the heavens quickly changed their appearance in a truly interesting show of Nature, which continues as I write. And as the colors changed, so did the temperature. It is really warm in the sun just 15 minutes ago, and now I can feel the chill even in my room.

When I first went out to drink my hot milk on my terrace in the warm sunshine, I was greeted suddenly by a blinding glare. The fog had begun to rush in and the sun was reflecting off it just like it would off snow sending a truly blinding light off in my direction. Then the fog continues to move in more quickly, covering the sun which now appears as the moon on a foggy night and I can look directly at it. I’ve tried photographing it but not sure how it will appear.



My Indian neighbor from the next room saw me and said “looks like another planet, yes?” At some point it had an amazing halo around it, as if revealing its living aura.



I can SEE the fog rolling past to fill the Ganga valley below, and at the same time a higher layer of fog is blowing OUT. It’s as if it can’t seem to make up its mind what it wants to wear today. One second the whole mountain is obscured and the next it is revealed and this continues to repeat itself, absolutely lovely.

fog rolling in

fog rolling in



Mountain Fully Covered with Fog

Mountain Fully Covered with Fog

I can see the fog swirling across and around my own rooftop terrace as it sends finger-like mist towards my door, as if trying to get INTO my room, not being satisfied with conquering the rooftop.

So, instead of my usual meditation/pranayama/yoga practice this morning, I am captivated by God’s wonders and it is just as wonderful, if not more so.

Dec. 21, 2008 – Marriage Proposal!…Business Proposal!…And Shopping

December 22, 2008

Dec. 21, 2008 – Marriage Proposal!…Business Proposal!…And Shopping

This has been a most interesting day full of surprises. It is now 8 in the evening and I am listening, and dancing, to my folkdancing music, getting ready to eat my kitcheri, and trying absorb and digest all that has happened today.

So, let’s just begin at the beginning. I had mentioned this guy who came to ask me some questions for his research project about 10 days ago and I had mentioned that the only problem I have in India is that I can only get a visa for 6 months and then must be out of the country for 6 months before getting another one. He said he would check and see if he could find a way for me to get a permanent resident visa, or Indian passport. OK.. sounded good.

A couple of days ago he asked to meet me and so today I met him at 1 to hear what he had found out. His idea was, that I MARRY HIM! He is 23 years old! Well, first I just laughed because I thought he was joking. It is true that is probably the easiest way to get permanent resident status, to marry an India…but certainly Read the rest of this entry »

Dec. 21, 2008 – Day Trip to Dehra Dun

December 21, 2008

Dec. 21, 2008 – Day Trip to Dehra Dun

This will be a quick post, just so that I don’t fall behind again. The catching up business is terrible for me, but I have such lovely stories to tell. One of these days!

Yesterday I was invited to join a taxi going up to the State capitol. Three young Israelis…the lovely couple who did a workshop with me and the wife of the guy with the injured leg.. She had to go pick up a CD of his MRI to send back to Israel, and we all joined in for a day out.

The weather was again overcast, but OK, since it was easier walking around in the cool weather. Surprisingly, the last 3 overcast days have actually been warmer temperature wise, with no wind, but since the sun is covered, it feels cooler.

It was a pleasant 1 hour ride up the mountain roads (sorry., pictures…didn’t want to carry the camera…if I get some from the other people’s cameras, I will post them). I’ve been wanting to take this ride for awhile for one reason. One of my all time favorite Indian writers is Ruskin Bond..I’ve read all of his books…and he spent the major portion of his life, including now, living in this area, especially in and around Dehra Dun where he grew up.

When I go walking in the mountain paths, I feel as if I already know them just from the way he always so beautifully, eloquently and lovingly describes his own walks in these hills in all his books. So having the opportunity to get to Dehra Dun was something I couldn’t turn down, even though I felt like having a “lazy day” at home.

the roads and hills are exactly as he describes them, and I can just imagine him walking here. When we got to town, one of the first things I noticed was a book shop with a sign outside “Books signed by Ruskin Bond available here”!. almost went in to buy one, but resisted the urge…

So, what do you do when you come to the big city? It IS a big city, but an Indian one, so no skyscrapers or fancy roads or even traffic lights. There are still policemen (and women) directing traffic at all the big intersections, and the town is still just two lanes, one in each direction…so you can imagine the conjestion. This used to serve the buggies and horses etc., but now with the enormous amount of rickshaws, motorbikes and cars, it is truly a polluted and congested mess!

So…aside from window shopping, which we did lots of in all the brand name shops…very expensive…not just by Indian standards…the first thing we did, at my urging (the kids didn’t know this kind of thing existed in India and were amazed and extremely pleased)…we went to one of the local branches of the national coffee shop Barrista. I first found this in 2003 in chennai…and it is as lovely as ever. Expensive, but lovely. I had my first REAL cup of coffee in over 3 months and it was heaven. I drink very little coffee even at home, but if a truly good cup is offered, I relish every drop. I also had black forest cake! The kids all had their choices as well and it was a lovely way to spend an hour.

And to our great surprise (I next stop was to be the MRI place to get the CD, but since the computer was down and the place closed on Saturday, it was not sure how we would do this. She had spoken to the guy from the clinic and he said to call when we got to Dehra Dun and not to worry). Well, while at the coffee shop, she called this guy, he asked where she was, she told him, and he said sit tight. He would meet us there. Which he did!! And, after coming into the clinic on his day off, and getting his boss to do the same, they somehow managed to get together a CD, which he delivered to her! He even offered to mail a receipt-which he didn’t have since the office was closed- to any address she wanted. This is one of the beauitful things about India. No matter what, people will go above and beyond the call of duty to help you when you really need it.

From there, we went walking and eventually, at the request of the Israeli guy who had been waiting all day and basically only came with us for this reason…we went to eat at McDonald’s!! Now I haven’t eaten this kind of stuff in maybe 30 years. I must say that I was pleasantly surprised at the vegetable burger. It was quite tasty. I stomach was not too happy later on but Reiki kept it quiet.

At the table next to ours, a girl, about 12 or so, was having a birthday party with 5 of her friends, just like any other kid any where else in the world. It was really nice. And a fun adventure for me.

Got home in the evening and to complete a lovely day, I watched episodes of Heroes and had a wonderful time before happily to sleep.

Today I am meeting an Indian guy I met…which I didn’t write about as it is part of the “catching up” I have to do…he might have a way of getting me a permanent resident visa which would save me lots of trouble and money in the end…and I will meet him in about 1/2 hour.

I will now try to go back to my “being alone” for a week or so…but haven’t had much luck so far. I have a Reiki workshop coming up for a son and his mother who is coming to visit him, but nothing else planned.

Want to begin walking up through the villages…time will tell…enough for today
