December 27, 2015




The photos in this post are just some scenes from my last days here….

I have not done much blogging these past three months while in Rishikesh.  I did not feel the need to record and share the many amazing things that have happened to me on the journey this year, and I honored that feeling as much as possible.  This has been an exciting and rewarding three months for me, more than I could ever have imagined…

It was much more than the usual enlightening journey and opportunity to grow that India always is for me.



This trip I was blessed with amazing synchronicities and opportunities to be of service in ways I could never imagine.  People from all over the world found their way to me for many reasons, but it is interesting that all of them, in some way, were dealing with a similar issue, one which I myself had been dealing with for some time and finally found closure here in Rishikesh via an Angel that was sent to me for my own healing and release.




Being of service to so many, all of them very young, was indeed an honor and a privilege.  To be found worthy to be a channel for messages and information that these young people needed at this place in their own journey, was most humbling.






I was also blessed with a balance of work, which brings me great joy, and leisure and pleasure time which also bring me great joy…being careful not to allow one to take away from the joy of the other.


Most importantly, however, this journey took ME so deep into MYSELF, to places I could never imagine reaching, as to be labeled a TREK rather than a trip.




It’s been an amazing trek for sure, and the ramifications of the discoveries made in these distant places will affect everything that comes after in my life.IMG_20151225_165718




And with this, I say goodbye for this trip, few as the posts may have been, they have been posted with joy.  Hope they brought you all some pleasure and joy as well.




With love light and JOY



October 17, 2015


EVERYONE has a smartphone/camera

EVERYONE has a smartphone/camera

I’ve been here a little over two weeks now, and as always, it has taken me this amount of time to find my balance. The past two weeks have been filled with great joys, but also some doubts about myself and my capabilities again…and falling back into that place is always a wake up call for me. Falling back into patterns of self-sabotaging behavior is something we all do, but I am blessed to be able to recognize it for what it is and nip it in the bud.



I have put everything into perspective, including the complete non-desire to write, and realized, as always, that this is the amount of time I always need to adjust to change, of any kind. Even good change in a place I am completely familiar with.
And now that I have understood once again, that I am as good as, or even better than I have been on past sojourns here…life begins to settle in and I find myself completely at peace with myself.



However, I am still having some difficulty finding the QUIET PLACE this time, mainly due to all that is so disturbingly happening at home. I am finding ways to deal with that as well.
I have been blessed to have met a lovely new friend, (more to come), and to have already begun working. I am enjoying cooking for myself when I feel like it, but mainly enjoying the pleasures of having someone else prepare food for me, even if it is just steamed veggies or fabulous fruit salads.


And of course, I am doing Reiki, meditation, pranayama and yoga EVERY day.
I will be posting further photos and stories as the days go by. Yesterday and today and am privileged to be an invited guest at the Mehandi (henna) and then marriage celebrations of the son of good friends, and will be writing about this as well.

Disappointed and Very Sad

December 17, 2014
One of my favorite views towards Ram Jhula from one of my favorite restaurants..  60's Beatles Restaurant

One of my favorite views towards Ram Jhula from one of my favorite restaurants.. 60’s Beatles Restaurant

Today I cancelled my ticket for this years trip to India.  It was something I knew I had to do for some time but kept putting it off.  I am truly heartsick at the thought of not “coming home” to Ma Ganga for another full year, but at the same time, realize that this too is a blessing in disguise.

Although truly sad and disappointed at the moment, I’m sure this is a blessing in disguise and I remain grateful to God and joyful and accepting of all things! !

another favorite view at Ram Jhula

another favorite view at Ram Jhula

Just to clarify, I had scheduled long overdue cataract surgery for April, upon my return from India.  But the condition has worsened to the point where I can barely see out of my right eye, and the left is getting worse by the day.  So no choice.  Must be taken care of.

I know that something wonderful is waiting for me and will simply continue to enjoy each and every day to the fullest, in full acceptance joy, gratitude, Faith and Freedom from Fear. Despite the momentary disappointment and sadness, Life is definitely beautiful and full of wonderful surprises!

much love light and JOY



Letting Go-Insights From My Last Sojourn

June 18, 2014

This was originally posted on my Not in India Blog , but I have come to realize that these insights are the result of a process which began during my last sojourn in India. Each visit to India brings me the opportunity for deep personal growth and wisdom,and I usually understand the purpose of each visit while I am still there. This time, this did not happen, but rather a very deep journey inward was initiated by certain events which occurred while there, and it is only now, six months later, that I am seeing the results, that the work has begun to bear fruit. It is a blessed feeling which I am most grateful for.

Let Go and Let God

To Let Go isn’t to forget, not think about, or ignore. It doesn’t leave feelings of anger, jealousy, or regret.

Letting Go isn’t winning and it isn’t losing. It’s not about pride and it’s not about how you appear and it’s not about obsessing or dwelling on the past.

Letting Go isn’t blocking memories or thinking sad thoughts and it doesn’t leave emptiness, hurt, or sadness. It’s not giving in or giving up.

Letting Go isn’t about loss and it’s not defeat. To Let Go is to cherish memories, but at the same time to overcome and to move on. It is having an open mind and confidence in the future.

Letting Go is accepting. Letting Go is learning and experiencing and growing.

To Let Go is to be thankful for the experiences that made you laugh, made you cry, and made you grow. It’s about all that you have, all that you had, and all that you will soon gain.

Letting Go is having the courage to accept change and the strength to keep moving.

Letting Go is growing up. it is realizing that the heart can sometimes be the most potent remedy.

To Let Go is to open a door and to clear a path and to set yourself free.▼

Release anger,
Release fear,
Release Worry
Embrace love
Embrace faith
Embrace calm acceptance.

The river will take you swiftly along at certain points
And allow you periods of motionless calm
But the current will always be there to move your boat along
You may see places you would like to stop at
But the choice is not always yours
Release into the flow of the river
And calmly and joyfully accept whatever direction it takes you.

with much love light and JOY


The Journey Home-Beginning the Final Countdown- Dec 15 2013

December 15, 2013

“…your outer life soon reflects your inner peacefulness…”



Every sojourn in India has its own personality. Its own distinct way of effecting my life. And always seems to address the most pressing issues of the moment in the most direct and efficient way. With messages, AHA moments during meditations, insights, even books “sent my way”., has

And of course this journey is no different.

I’ve come as close to a silent, solitary retreat as I feel comfortable with but its impact has been powerful as well as empowering.

I have done little blog posting, have had little interaction with others here (almost 100% less than on a usual sojourn), find the company of others extremely intrusive, have done no Reiki workshops or sessions, and despite the varied and ease of communication these days, have had little contact with friends and loves ones as well. Posting photos easily and on several different networks, has been my biggest form of communication this trip, and that requires very little true interaction. It is definitely a silent form of communication, very rarely requiring words.

But I have been talking to me, to God, to my guides, to the Angels, to the Universe incessantly and many profoundly deep insights about “how” I have been up until now in my life have surfaced. The myths I had been programmed to believe, and DID believe about myself, my perceptions about my abilities and limitations and my interpretations of these ideas…they all seem to finally be collapsing and opening the way for new, better and healthier ways of moving forward in my life.

I have been guided to question, and then understand so much of my previous self-sabotaging behavior and habits-things I accepted totally as “who I am”, without question. This process began slowly before I even left for India, but would have taken much longer to reach the stage it has (if at all) if I had not had these past two months to myself.

The insights are deep, end intimidating. I continue to pray daily for Freedom from Fear and complete Faith as I move forward, determined to make essential changes on both the conscious and subsonscious levels (easier said than done…our subconscious programming from childhood runs so deep). And I pray as well that my sincere intentions, efforts and focus will bring about much needed change in several critical areas of my life.

As I wind down my time here and get ready to joyfully return to my “other” reality, I am determined to succeedin having things “work” differently, and better, than ever before in my life.

….notes from the card chosen in preparation for my return home:

SHANTI:….through breath and intention you can stay centered no matter what’s happening in your life. This inner foundation of peace has a powerful healing effect. Your outer life soon reflects your inner peacefulness…


with love light and JOY


November 22, 2013


Well, it’s taken longer then usual but I’ve finally gotten back to that place of balance, tranquility and wellbeing I so long for and find difficult to “be” in so often in my hectic life.
Admittedly, three weeks here were taken up with “being with” others-and as pleasnt as that “being with” was, it still not the same as “being” just with ME!
The tricky part is staying in that place of equilibrium while with others and living the hectic pace of daily life. I manage to keep that balance for a fairly decent period of time upon returning to reality, but eventually I drift out of the balance place and that is where the retreat mode becomes so important to me, to my life andthelives of all those around me.
The deeper, longer and more complete the retreat is, the longer its effects last.
I do not generally need a hermit like silent retreat off in a cave somewhere completely shut off from human contact, although at times silence is something I crave. I enjoy the warmth and interaction of fellow beings, the contact with family and friends at home, the meeting new people here. But this can become a trap, keeping me from truly taking full advantage of my time away.
At some point, I feel I will be guided to a full week of isolation and silence. I will see where this feeling takes me and accept the direction I am given completely, with joy, gratitude, Faith and freedom from fear.
And until, and if, that happens, I will continue to enjoy my time with you as well.
with love ligh and JOY

No way, Impossible, Absolutely Cannot Be-Nov 19 2012

November 20, 2012

No way, Impossible, Absolutely Cannot Be-Nov 19 2012

I am packing to go home (and crying) and just before packing them, I decided, just for fun, to open the cards again!!

I am most definitely in SHOCK.

Pulled, for the FOURTH time in a row, the same card: QUIET TIME

Nothing more to say or write.  I have posts and photos which I have not been doing, I have been without internet in my room for about 10 days, and am perfectly content.  But this is part of my forced quiet time.  I will eventually get everything “out there”….

But there is no question that it is not meant to be for at least the near future if I am really meant to enforce this QUIET TIME to rest, meditate and contemplate.

It has been an amazing journey for me….as always, teaching me, guiding me, confronting me with things I perhaps don’t always want to see, but never letting me go home without giving me what it is I need to take back with me.

I am truly blessed and loved.

Namaste from Rishikesh


Spooky Cards! – Clear Message Nov 16 2012

November 18, 2012

Spooky Cards! – Clear Message Nov 16 2012

As highly improbably as it was choosing the same card twice in a row,

  it was downright spooky choosing it a THIRD time.    But that is precisely what happened last night!

I am heading home very soon and simply don’t feel ready to “jump back into things” yet.

Time seems too short.  I am just getting to the point where I feel energized enough to begin doing things again, and I have to leave.

So I was “urged” to choose a card once again to get some further guidance about how to ease the return home.  Something which would give me direction or perhaps a new perspective.

Well, the answer is still the same!!  QUIET TIME!!

The message is being forcefully pounded into my head!

I have finally “got it” and am doing my best.  I am loved and blessed by God and the Universe and so beautifully taken care of, despite my own effort to “spoil” things very often.  🙂

Namaste from India

Quiet Time – Message in the Cards – Nov 11 2012

November 12, 2012

Quiet Time – Message in the Cards – Nov 11 2012

From my recent posts you will have realized I am in forced R&R which I have now surrendered to and am actually enjoying.

But just o make sure I got the message – I was guided, twice during the past week to check my cards and choose one.  (unusual for me-I usually check the cards infrequently – never more than once a month and usually much longer).

You should know that I have two decks with me here in India, Goddess Cards and Angel Cards, and each deck contains 44 cards.  The chance of the same one card being chosen twice, at random, from the 88 cards is very slim.  I shuffle both decks very thoroughly before spreading and choosing one, after deciding from which deck to finally pull a card.

The first time, about 5 days ago, the card I chose was Quiet Time, and this made sense with everything that was going on.  But yesterday, when guided to once again choose a card, I was astonished when the SAME CARD found its way into my hand.!!

“Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate”

I guess they figured I wasn’t taking the first message seriously enough (which I wasn’t but had jus decided yesterday that I finally DID “get it”) and wanted to make sure it sunk in.

Just out of curiosity, I took the OTHER deck of cards and pulled one card as well.  And it just pushed the message further home for further thought:

“Time out!!  You’ve been so busy taking care of everyone else’s needs, but now it’s time to stop and take care of yourself”.

I guess the message is clear!

Namaste from Quiet (HaHa…It is Diwali Time-Definitely NOT quiet) Rishikesh

India Lesson 2012 FINALLY – Nov. 9, 2012

November 10, 2012

India Lesson 2012  FINALLY – Nov. 9, 2012

I figured it out actually while writing THIS post…so you will have to bear with me until it gets put down in words here…as it happened!

Butterfly on the way to the Clinic

Don’ know if this will ever get posted.  No internet for a few days which is definitely a blessing in disguise for sure.  I am still in my “healing crisis”-taking longer than I had planned on-or what the doctor refers to as: “strong reaction to panchakarma” .

So I am being forced to eat very lightly-my stomach wont’ tolerate much more yet, and resting. Don’t have energy for much else and it is very frustrating.  There is so much I need (or want) to do these last couple of weeks and being forced to stay up in and around my room is annoying and boring…especially without internet!!

Coming Down from my Room

I am now sitting at the lovely new Pundir restaurant where I ordered a fruit salad.  Just anything not to have to go right back to the room.  And to my great surprise, they just put in free WIFI! And luckily I have my new phone which I can actually use with WIFI- not much good for writing, but at least I can check emails and FB.  Which I just did…and what did I find there?

A message from Eckhart Tohl which was exactly what I needed to see as I sit here writing about how frustrating and annoying this forced rest is for me!

“Surrender is the simple but profound wisdom of yielding to, rather than opposing, the flow of life”.

This is THE lesson I was meant to learn here this year.  I must now find the way to put it into practice both here and when I get home.

I’ve been confronting the need to rest versus the need to “make the most” of my last 2 weeks here.  Frustrated that I can’t be out and about and not truly allowing myself to relax into resting. Even though I spend all day up at my room-“resting”.

If the rest is only physical, it is not rest at all.

I have a big lesson to put into practice when I get home and the practice begins now.

No matter how it effects all those loving and dear ones around me…what they expect of me-how they expect me to feel-or what may disappoint them regarding how I come back from India, is truly not my concern.

Only being “true to myself” is what needs to concern me at this time.

This of course includes the lesson of living in complete Faith and Freedom from Fear-knowing that all is as it should be, and is good.

Experiencing ALL in complete acceptance, joy and gratitude and of course, Freedom from Fear.

And now that I have figured it out….I already feel better! More at peace, enjoying this time alone, playing games, doing my needlepoint, reading, listening to music, even dancing some folkdancing in my room – and not thinking about what I “cannot” do, but about all the pleasures of what I CAN do.

And to really make my day…as I started heading back up to my room…I heard my name called from across the street….and when I looked…to my great joy and total surprise, it was Akhilesh!!

And who is Akhilesh you may ask?  Well, that is a story for another post…hopefully tomorrow…or of course whenever these begin to get posted.

Namaste from Rishikesh