Being special

Although this post is not specifically dealing with India, it was inspired and written during my recent visit, and so am posting it here as well.  Enjoy!

Some of us are ancient souls reincarnated once again, some of us are angelic beings who have chosen to be here for a specific reason, Some of us are human beings doing our best to make sense of our life.

Whoever we are, we are SPECIAL!

SPECIAL MEAnd we have chosen to be here, in this place, in this life, at this time for a very special reason. Understanding that reason, knowing what our special purpose here is, is vital to living a full, healthy, and complete life.
How do we know what our purpose is ? How do we know what makes us special?

Make no mistake,


each and every one of its IS special in his own way.

We begin to understand what our purpose is when we begin to understand what gives us JOY. Think of the things which you enjoyed doing and which gave you pleasure as a child. They may have been things that were different than what the other kids enjoyed doing, and at some point you stopped “doing your own thing” to fit in with the crowd. Or it could be something which your parents frowned on and so you stopped doing it to gain their approval, and love. There are many reasons for us losing touch with our purpose, and the first step is getting back to that place, feeling what it is that you are passionate about.


How do we figure that out? We begin by asking questions…

How do we express our creativity?…this is part of our passion and part of what makes us special . Perhaps our passion is helping others in some way…perhaps by teaching them. But we can teach many different things in many different ways. And we can use our creative talents to teach. If we enjoy writing and photography, we can teach just about anything using our ability to write combined with our photography. Or perhaps we have a talent for music or art, but have a passion for healing. We can combine these and become a dance or art therapist or heal through music. Or maybe we love animals but also have a passion to heal or be of service to people in some way. How about working with autistic children or adults using horses or dolphins to help heal. Perhaps we love the water…hydrotherapy.

There is no end to the ways in which we can reconnect with our passion, our creativity and our SPECIALNESS!

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The important thing here is to begin questioning ourselves, delving within, going back to the days of childhood pleasures and connecting with our passion and creative talents. Putting them all together to create a “sweet spot” in our daily lives may not always be easy, but it is well worth the effort.


Be Unique…be Original…what makes you different is what makes you special!

Once we have discovered who we are, why we are here and what we are truly passionate about, what it is that makes us Special, and have found a way to combine that passion with our innate creative talents, we are on the way to living a satisfying, fulfilling, healthy, useful and very SPECIAL life.

And nothing will bring greater pleasure into each SPECIAL day.

And of course, remember to be grateful always for all the blessings that have been showered upon you to bring you to that wonderful SPECIAL “sweet spot”. Don’t forget to celebrate your uniqueness, your specialness, at every chance you get.


Celebration brings even more joy into your life, increasing your passion for what you are doing. It is the final piece in the puzzle-

Gratitude and Celebration come hand in hand in insuring more of the same wonderful, full, special life you have created for yourself.


Much love light and JOY


3 Responses to BEING SPECIAL

  1. […] BEING SPECIAL March 10th, 2014 — “Being special Although this post is not specifically dealing with India, it was inspired and written during my recent visit, and so am posting it here as well. Enjoy! Some of us are ancient souls reincarnated once again, some of us are angelic beings who have chosen to be here for a specific reason, Some […]” […]

  2. What a beautiful post, Jane, inspiring each person to think of their uniqueness and contribution to the world:) I often remind my kids of the same thought- ‘don’t let someone else define you…each of you gets to define your path.’

    • Jane says:

      thanks for taking the time to comment Peri…and your kids are lucky to have you as their Mom…it’s taken me the better part of a lifetime to define my own path as I had to release the beliefs of who I was defined as by my family, my culture, my peers etc. It was a long journey! But one well worth the effort. Much love to you!

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