March 10, 2011 – Vacation Day 9 – Story of the Silk Cotton Tree-Simple Lesson in Focused Intention and How We Are Provided with Anwers by the Universe

March 10, 2011 – Vacation Day 9 – Story of the Silk Cotton Tree-Simple Lesson in Focused Intention and How We Are Provided with Anwers by the Universe

It seems that sincere intention to know something, will always bring an answer – and usually from a place, or in a way, that we could never imagine.

Silk Cotton Tree


Yesterday was a relaxing day spent close to home.  Didn’t want to push my luck after feeling so weak the day before – especially just before coming home.  So hung around close to my room, did further packing and sorting, read, needlepointed, visited friends, friends visited me and was even invited out for dinner.  Ate properly the entire day and felt at peace.

Although I am enjoying the beautiful weather immensely, I am now completely ready to return home, for whatever waits me there.  And that is also a good feeling.

Just after posting yesterday, with pictures of the “cotton” tree, I continued to be curious if that was really its name and to find out more about it than the owner could give me.  I was thinking of googling it when I decided to first sit down and read for awhile. …I was reading the book I mentioned by Ruskin Bond, “The Book of Nature”, and when I opened to the page I was up to, what did I find but this chapter “The Silk-Cotton Tree”!!

And as I began to read it, I realized he was talking about the exact tree I sat next to the previous day.  Since it is so nicely written and explained…I will just quote the whole few beginning sentences here.

“Most of you, even if you do not play badminton, are familiar with a shuttlecock.  Well, if you take a shuttlecock and paint it a bright crimson, you will get a fair idea of what the flower of the semul (or silk-cotton tree) looks like.

Now just imagine a tall, leafless tree covered with masses of crimson flowers, and you will know what this wonderful tree looks like in spring..  There are few trees in the world that can compare with it in beuty and brilliance.

You may, of course, have seen a semul tree either in the jungle or along a tree-lined avenue in one of our citis.  It is a god shade-tree, losing its leaves for only a brief period, just before it flowers.  During the summer months, you will find its seeds overed with white cotton, which is blown far and wide by the slgithest breeze.  This cotton is not suitable for spinning and weaving into cloth, but it s used for stuffing pillows and cushions.”

And now both you and I know a little more about the tree!  It seems that sincere intention to know something, will always bring an answer – and usually from a place, or in a way, that we could never imagine.

Have a great, focused, day.



2 Responses to March 10, 2011 – Vacation Day 9 – Story of the Silk Cotton Tree-Simple Lesson in Focused Intention and How We Are Provided with Anwers by the Universe

  1. Sanjay Tewari says:

    Hi Jane,

    Thanks for telling your readers about the Semul tree. I remember, wandering in the forests around Rishikesh as a teenager,around this time (Holi festival) in search of “Flame of the forest” to collect these flowers for making Holi colour. If u boil the flower in water u get an excellent colour with aroma. Those were the days of Organic Holi.



    • Jane says:

      thanks sanjay for adding this further very useful information about these most beautiful flowers. I am leaving just before Holi, or I would have gone back to the restaurant, tried to pick a flower and try it out mysef!! Maybe next year. Organic is good… :-)))

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