1-1-11 Happy New Years

January 1, 2011

1-1-11 Happy New Years

I don’t know what it means, but you can’t help noticing the date!

And after the last two days of 2010 ending rainy and dreary, what better way to begin 2011 than sitting out on my rooftop in the glorious sunshine eating homemade cinnamon/apple porridge with raisins and almonds. I am so blessed!

After 2 days of no sun, almost no electricity (meaning no heat in the room) and a generally down feeling (this type of weather has a very bad effect on me emotionally) – towards late afternoon the heavens cleared and all was well.
I was invited to a party by the “big boss” and went – and to my great surprise, enjoyed myself!

I began releasing the joy hiding inside for so long – laughed, joked, some other tourist man even flirted with me, and at the end we all got up to dance around the campfire.

At exactly midnight we cut the cake (the best thing about it was the way it looked!) and although there were no marshmellows, it was still a lovely party.

The only reason I initially went was because my friend convinced me it would be nice, so here are a few more pictures of him…he did a great healing service to me!

He helped my inner child begin to emerge once again, after she has been working hard to surface for a long time. This was a perfect beginning to the New Year.

I am now sitting along the Ganga, waiting for my lunch and so at peace! It is exactly two weeks since I arrived and for today at least, all is right with my world (except for the fact that my Mother won’t be reading this – but I feel at this moment that she knows and is happily smiling down at me!)

Happy New Year