January 10, 2011 – End of Phone Story and Meditation for a Broken Heart

January 10, 2011 – End of Phone Story and Meditation for a Broken Heart

The picture above is what I patiently am waiting for…the end of winter and a sunset like this over the Ganga!!

I sit in my room, doing my best NOT to turn on the internet.  It is wonderful having the option of using it in my room, even the connection is very slow.  It is good enough for browsing and uploading, but fairly problematic for Skype…but still a blessing, especially in this colder weather, allowing me to sit in my nice warm room and do my “stuff”.

I am listening to lovely music, have just eaten a dinner which I “ordered out” today, being lazy and not feeling like cooking (one of the big benefits of being in a guesthouse as opposed to my own flat), and will try t sum up my day for you.

First of all, for anyone interested, you can follow this link:


and find a beautiful meditation for helping to deal with the pain of a broken heart.  It was a small but very powerful part of a beautiful healing session I had today with the lovely Chinese healer I met at the astrologer.  She is a Reiki Master but uses other forms of healing as well.  She was gentle but went very deep and will be coming again tomorrow. In addition to the discussion we had, and her intuitive knowing what I needed, she was also guided before coming to prepare something for me (before she even spoke to me).  A candle on which she carved some Eastern sutra/mantra.  The sutra is used in cases where someone has to release things which are stuck…She instructed me to burn the candle with this intention and when it was all burned down, to sit out in the sun (!) and allow the sunlight to fill the places that were emptied of pain, etc.  So, hopefully tomorrow morning I will see a sunny day again and will do this as well.

Check out the link for the full meditation for “fixing” broken hearts which may be of help to you or someone you know.


And the story of the mobile phone ended today, finally, with me getting back my money, but not in the way I imagined.  I will write the full story up tomorrow, but just know that the ending included a motorbike ride into Rishikesh market on the coldest morning yet since I have been here, also windy and foggy.  I wore all the clothing I had plus two shawls and still felt like I was being blown into a block of ice the entire ride there, and then back home.  I literally felt myself thawing out once I got into my room…with my feet in hot water and the heater on me.  But I must say, I have become very good at bike riding without holding on…it is not acceptable in India anyway, to hold onto the guy in front, plus I needed my hands to keep the shawl from blowing open as well as to cover my hands to keep them from becoming frostbitten!!!

Hope to write up the full story tomorrow as a separate post, but am happy that it finally came to an end.

That’s it for today.



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