January 13, 2011 – Change in Weather or Just a One Day Reprieve? Ayurveda Consultation Results

January 13, 2011 – Change in Weather or Just a One Day Reprieve? Ayurveda Consultation Results



I sit in my room now at 8 PM, with no heater, only a normal amount of clothing, and no hot water bottle and I am perfectly comfortable.  Was out-of-doors until almost 6 this evening…ok…let’s backtrack to this morning

I was woken this morning at 5 AM to howling winds and a freezing cold room (had to turn the heater on and refill my hot water bottle to fall back to sleep).  This was the first night wind in the past two weeks and it was most welcome.  It is a sure sign, a harbinger is you like, of a change from what we’ve been experiencing over the past few weeks. A sign that the morning would dawn free of all fog and mist, the mountains would show their true green hues, the sun would shine and bring with it it’s lovely warming energy, the sky would be a brilliant blue and the Ganga a lovely turquoise/emerald green.

And that is exactly what I woke to 3 ½ hours later!

During those 3 ½ hours I did a full hour of Reiki and fell quietly back to sleep.  Nice and warm and with lovely expectations for the morning.

I’ve been out now just walking, and enjoying all the blessings this day has brought.  As a matter of fact, even though I tried to dress accordingly, removing a couple of layers of clothing, I was actually much too warm, began removing layers but then had to carry them, and at some point, after walking out about 3 kilometers, realized I better head back…I was just much too warm!!!

I walked up in a different direction just for a change, and there is a spree of new building here which is almost obscene.  Private homes, hotels, guesthouses/restaurants, ashrams…every piece of land which was used for farming in the area is being taken up by new building…I wonder how many of these new projects will actually earn a profit for their owners.  Seems like there is just too much and too much of the beauty and tranquility of the place is being lost in the process.  The buildings are one on top of the other – there are no zoning laws here – everyone just does whatever he wants to, however he wants to…hope it will all be worthwhile in the end but it makes me sad.

But it was a beautiful day to be out and upon returning, sat out on the roof for another while and then went down to visit with my friend Seema on HER roof until it turned chilly again around 5:30. More than an hour after the sun actually went down…so that is also a sign of much warmer weather…So – does this mean the weather has shifted?  Or is this jus a fluky reprieve for a day or so?  Time will tell.

I also went finally to Dr. Arora for a consultation before beginning my panchakarma (probably in a couple of more weeks) and both of us were both surprised and very pleased at the diagnosis.

First of all, I’ve gained at least 4 KG in less than 4 weeks since arriving, and he is always happy when my weight reaches 56 kg, which it has!   If you know nothing about ayurvedic medicine, the following won’t mean much to you, but for those of you who do, here are some of the indications of my apparently pretty good health.  My Vatta is a little high (it is always very high), but this time it is age related and at an exceptable level rather than very high due to various imbalances.  Meaning, for my age I am doing very well.  Pitta is completely balanced – a really first for me.  Pitta, among other things, accounts for our energy levels, and mine have been, at least for the past 10 days, better than they have been for the entire past year!  Kapaha is low but it always is.  That is where my craving for sweets comes in – so advised to eat lots of raisins and dates.  My skin is “lovely”, also something new, but the biggest surprise was thatfor the first time in all these past years, the pulses on both wrists are the same…meaning, that my male and female energies are balanced.  My male side is usually much higher and female totally out of balance (relating to releasing of emotions and blockages in different issues among other things).  Apparently my work of the past weeks has paid off and I am truly in better shape than I was even BEFORE all the events of the past year.  Something I’ve been feeling myself the past 10 days, but always nice to have your personal feelings confirmed by an expert.

I  am sure the checkup would have been very different if I had done it upon my arrival several weeks ago. I am quite proud of myself for a job (still in progress) well done!

He says I will have an easier panchakarma than in the past and will be able to eat a little more freely than before.  Milk every day, more chapatti and fruit and even some rice.  I will start in about 2 weeks time, hoping for continued better weather by then.

Lovely day with many blessings



6 Responses to January 13, 2011 – Change in Weather or Just a One Day Reprieve? Ayurveda Consultation Results

  1. Lena says:

    Still more benefits of visiting India)))

  2. Jane says:

    amazing, isn’t it? well are you arriving?

  3. Interesting read. I wish I felt inspired enough to write such good posts onto my own blog. It is hard.

    • Jane says:

      Thanks for your very kind comment. It is because of comments like these that I keep writing!
      Sorry it took me this long to reply. I just found your comment in my spam box today!

  4. EB says:

    Can you tell me where is Dr. Arora’s clinic or send a link to his website. I am looking for a Pancha Karma clinic in the Rishikesh area and open to recommendations.

    • Jane says:

      dr. arora does not have a website that I am aware of, and is not good about answering emails. But I will give you his email and phone number. best to just call him. If you get to rishikesh, you just need to go into his clinic which is on the main road of Tapova, across from Pundir Provision shops just before you turn right to go down the road to Laxman Jhula. Anyone in the area can direct you to him. Then just go in and speak to him and decide what you want to do there. Panchakarma, or just individual treatments. He is amazing, as a practitioner, diagnostician, doctor and person! If you do get there, please give him my love, as well as to the two girls who work there- Laxmi and Devi as well as his wife Manju if you see her.

      good luck!

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